Monday, February 28, 2011

2nd Month-sary of Wedded Bliss

Today marks the 2nd month-sary of my marriage. It is a bliss to be married to someone who is caring and thoughtful and loving and handsome and sweet and kind and...the list goes on.

I frankly could not ask for more. He is my ROCK.

You are probably wondering why I posted the Melissa Anglomania & Vivienne Westwood collaboration of a shoe. It is because in every month that I stay with my Hubster, I feel blessed and in-heart.

I wonder what we should do to celebrate?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Bumming Shoe-paholic

I just got back from a vacay in Virginia and I am beyond exhaustion. Eversince I got here in the glamorous USA I am without a boss so it goes without saying, without stress. However, there are times that I feel so bored and there are times I feel so swamped with work.

I am on the process of starting a business in PI with my sister, Sasha and best buddy, Sherry. I will surely divulge the matters as soon as it is set.

For now, I am sad because the fatboy is not here to rummage my closet but I have to learn to be alone from now onwards especially when my Beamer is at work. Which he always seems to be. Damn! The pangs of marrying a workaholic!

Let me try to settle my things for now and I promise to write meatier from now onwards. I hate it when I am a bum.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Sweet Valentine

Dear Beamer,

I am blessed to have you as a husband. You always think of my well-being and always take care of me. I know that I can be a brat sometimes (or most of the times!) but still you always make sure that my needs be met.

We have been through a lot of difficult times and trials and maybe more to come but it is nice to know that I always have you beside me.

So, it is with great pleasure to say that I will always be beside you, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do us part.

I love you, now and forever.
Thank you for my gifts and it was greatly appreciated.


Pink Heart-shaped Dunkin Donut (Bavarian filled just the way I like it!)
Russel Stover Chocolates & Lindor Truffles
Lovin' my Singing balloon: How Sweet it is to be loved by you..
My 1st Chamilia Bracelet with a charm: I love you, I love you more!
Singing Card: I'll be better when Im older, I'll be the biggest fan of your life.
Thank you for the efforts and for thinking of me.

Best HUBSTER ever!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Hearts Day!

As I am and always will be addicted to high heels, I feel the need for me to post this flower arrangement.

To my loving hubster, Beamer: I love you now and forever for as long as we both shall live. You make me stronger and because of you I feel alive and not just existing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Peter Griffin Moment

To be truly honest, I dont know how people love Peter Griffin. He is disgusting and clearly a pervert without even knowing.

Beamer and I will be driving to Virginia to bring Fatboy back to my sister. It will be a vacation week for Beamer and all he ever wanted is to have one Peter Griffin Day. He meant not to be a perv for a day but to just sit back and relax and consume alcohol to its fullest extent.

I dont know if this is a good idea but I sure would grant him this wish because he deserves to have a break.

DAMN! I love the guy!

Friday, February 4, 2011


A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

I have a brother and two sisters and my cousin, Lals & Dino whom I consider as siblings and all of us have a love and hate relationships. We love and hate and love and hate again. I dont know about them hating each other but they can hate me a whole lot. I get that a lot with people after being with them for 3 months and more. Sorry, it doesnt get better. It just keeps getting worse.

I have a soul sister who even on our tough and rough ride through life stuck with me and never left. She is my denim friend. I probably have established how I would support her all the way way back. Be it on a hospital bed or a wedding day.

I have my high school bestfriend who is incognito as of the moment.

I have several other friends who seem to like me despite my evil-ness and proves to still be there for me.

I have some whom I have recently met and yet, they seem to be a constant and consistent friend.

I have a friend who knew me for almost 2 years and accept me for the bee-otch that I am, so I married him.

So it goes without saying that you either love me or hate me or both but the ones who stick with me are the people worthy of my love.