Monday, May 2, 2011

A Bottomless Crevasse of A Dream

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

People sometimes intrigue me. After inculcating some sense in their rather miserable minds I thought you got me and the point I have been reiterating for the past few years.

I've been rattling my brains why I love Sue Sylvester and then an amazing lightbulb sparked in my brain: Because she tells the truth however harsh it can be.
"Not everyone could be champions. Not everyone SHOULD be champions. We need fry cooks, bus drivers." Sue Sylvester

Im just so tired telling people the truth, so I guess I have to start bullshitting them for once. Maybe they will believe me if I tell them that they are really pretty and they do not have those yellow teeth (as mine or worse!) and they have lustrous hair (not me, I have dandruff!) and they really look good if they color their hair blonde and they are really sexy (pass me the barf bag!) and they have a six pack (again, not me! I have a belt bag!) and they have a posture of a beauty queen that would put Naomi Campbell to shame!

Really! Give it up! Think of something more productive rather than weaving castles in the sky! Its just such a pain to see you waste your time and effort when you could have been something else..maybe something better. Far better than what you are dreaming of.

Let me tell you a story. I dream too. When I was a kid I dreamt of becoming a singer. But do I have the vocals to back me up? HELL NO!!! Im like a howling coyote in the middle of the night. Should I keep on dreaming? That is pathetic! Think If you are equipped! If you are not, think if you can possess it through practice and modern technology. Like if you have crooked teeth, get a friggin' brace. If the problem is not fixable for some reasons, then.....My GOD! Please give it up!

I will not advice that you kept on pursuing a bottomless crevasse of a dream. I have said this time and time again, not all people are equipped to do the things they want. Look in the mirror and see for yourself if you are equipped with the talent, the skill, the intelligence, the beauty and the poise to be whoever you want to be...because honestly, sometimes we dont possess all of them. So, give up and start dreaming something else. Maybe you deserve more!

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